
How to Sign ‘Are’ in American Sign Language (ASL)

Introduction to “are” in ASL

In the vibrant world of American Sign Language (ASL), every gesture tells a story, and each sign carries profound meaning. One such fundamental sign is “Are,” a versatile expression that permeates ASL conversations. Whether you’re just starting your ASL journey or looking to enhance your signing skills, understanding how to sign “Are” is a crucial step toward fluent communication.

The Essence of “Are” in ASL

Unveiling the Sign

The sign for “Are” in ASL encapsulates a nuanced blend of hand movements and facial expressions. To convey this essential concept effectively, follow these simple steps:

1. Hand Formation

Begin by forming a gentle fist with your dominant hand, keeping your thumb extended alongside your curled fingers. This configuration sets the foundation for the sign.

2. Palm Orientation

Position your hand at chest level with the palm facing inward. This orientation ensures clarity and coherence in your expression.

3. Facial Expressions

ASL is not only about hand movements but also about facial expressions. Wear a neutral facial expression to convey “Are” in a neutral context. For added emphasis, modulate your facial expressions accordingly.

Contextual Adaptation

The beauty of ASL lies in its adaptability to different contexts. Explore the various nuances of signing “Are” in different scenarios, from casual conversations to formal settings. Embrace the richness of ASL as you infuse your signs with emotion and context.

Building a Solid Foundation: Learning Basic ASL Signs

1. Mastering the Alphabet

Before delving into complex signs like “Are,” ensure you have a strong foundation in the ASL alphabet. Familiarize yourself with each letter’s unique sign, cultivating precision and fluidity in your hand movements.

2. Understanding Pronouns

Pronouns play a pivotal role in ASL, influencing the structure of sentences and the overall flow of communication. Gain proficiency in signing pronouns like “I,” “you,” and “they” to enhance your expressive capabilities.

3. Exploring Common Verbs

Expand your signing repertoire by delving into common verbs that form the backbone of ASL conversations. Practice signing verbs like “to be,” “to have,” and “to do” to build confidence in constructing dynamic sentences.

Infusing Emotion: Expressing “Are” in Different Contexts

1. Conveying Existence

In ASL, “Are” is often used to express existence or presence. Whether you’re describing a bustling city or the tranquility of nature, infuse your signs with the essence of the subject’s being. Use facial expressions to convey the emotion associated with the presence you’re describing.


“The city is alive with energy.”

2. Describing Relationships

ASL is a language of connection, and “Are” is instrumental in describing relationships. Whether expressing familial bonds or the camaraderie among friends, let your signs reflect the depth of these connections. Adjust the intensity of your facial expressions to match the emotional context.


“We are lifelong friends.”

3. Posing Questions

Mastering the art of asking questions in ASL involves more than just hand movements. Use the sign for “Are” to pose inquiries, and let your facial expressions convey the curiosity and anticipation behind each question.


“Are you coming to the party?”

Navigating Common Pitfalls: Troubleshooting Your “Are” Sign

1. Clarity in Movement

Ensure that your hand movements are clear and deliberate when signing “Are.” Ambiguity in your gestures can lead to misunderstandings, so practice precision in your execution.

2. Consistency in Palm Orientation

Maintaining consistent palm orientation is crucial for conveying “Are” accurately. Regularly check your hand positioning to avoid unintentional variations that may alter the sign’s meaning.

3. Harmonizing Facial Expressions

Remember that ASL is not just about hand movements but also about the emotional resonance conveyed through facial expressions. Practice syncing your facial expressions with the context of your signs for a more authentic and impactful communication experience.

Nurturing Your ASL Fluency: Practice Tips for Mastering “Are”

1. Daily Conversational Practice

Integrate ASL into your daily conversations, even if it’s just with yourself in front of a mirror. The more you immerse yourself in signing, the more natural and fluid your expressions will become.

2. Interactive Learning Platforms

Explore interactive online platforms that facilitate ASL learning through video lessons and real-time feedback. Engaging with fellow learners and experienced signers can provide valuable insights and enhance your signing proficiency.

3. Immerse Yourself in Deaf Culture

Learning ASL goes beyond mastering signs; it involves embracing the rich culture and history of the Deaf community. Attend Deaf events, participate in community activities, and immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of ASL expression.

Celebrating Diversity: Regional Variations in Signing “Are”

1. Embracing Regional Nuances

Just as spoken languages exhibit regional variations, ASL also reflects diverse signing styles across different regions. Embrace these nuances, and be open to learning variations in the sign for “Are” that may exist in different Deaf communities.

2. Connecting with Local Signers

To deepen your understanding of regional variations, connect with local signers and engage in conversations. This hands-on experience will expose you to the richness of ASL as it is authentically expressed in your community.

The Emotional Impact of “Are”: Beyond Words

1. Harnessing Non-Manual Markers

Non-manual markers, including facial expressions, head movements, and body language, play a pivotal role in ASL. Explore the emotional nuances that these markers can add to your “Are” sign, elevating your expressions to new heights.

2. Amplifying Emotion through Dynamics

Experiment with the dynamics of your signing to convey a spectrum of emotions. Whether it’s the excitement of a discovery or the solemnity of a reflection, let your signs resonate with the underlying emotional tone. Learn More Sign on Sign Language American

Conclusion: A Journey of Expression

In the tapestry of American Sign Language, the sign for “Are” weaves connections, conveys emotions, and transcends the limitations of spoken words. As you embark on your journey to master this fundamental sign, remember that each gesture is a brushstroke in the canvas of communication.

Celebrate the beauty of simplicity in ASL, where “Are” is not just a word but a doorway to a world of expression. Practice with passion, embrace the diversity of signing styles, and let the emotional resonance of your signs echo in the hearts of those with whom you communicate.

In the eloquent language of ASL, “Are” is not just a sign; it’s an invitation to express, connect, and share in the profound beauty of communication.

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