
Unlocking the Silent Language: How to Sign “Today” in American Sign Language (ASL)


American Sign Language (ASL) is a rich and expressive language that enables effective communication for the Deaf community. Every sign carries meaning, and in this article, we will delve into the intricacies of signing a word we often take for granted: “Today.” Join us on this journey as we explore the beauty and significance of expressing the concept of today in ASL.

Understanding ASL Basics

Before we dive into signing “today,” let’s establish a foundation by understanding some basic principles of American Sign Language.

The Visual Language

ASL relies on visual communication, using a combination of handshapes, facial expressions, and body movements to convey messages. It is a complete and complex language with its own grammar and syntax.

The Importance of Facial Expressions

Facial expressions play a pivotal role in ASL, serving as grammatical markers and conveying emotions. The nuances of a sign can be enhanced or altered by the accompanying facial expression.

The Sign for “Today” in ASL

Now, let’s focus on the main subject of our exploration—the sign for “today” in American Sign Language.

Identifying the Concept “Today” Sign in ASL

In ASL, signs are often based on the visual representation of concepts. “Today” is no exception. The sign encapsulates the essence of the present moment, making it a fascinating expression of time within the Deaf community.

Handshape and Movement for Today in Sign Language

The sign for “today” involves specific handshapes and movements that capture the immediacy of the present. It’s a dynamic and engaging sign that reflects the ever-changing nature of time.

Incorporating Facial Expressions for Today

To convey the concept of “today” accurately, facial expressions become crucial. The signer’s face reflects the sense of urgency or importance associated with the current day. ASL’s unique reliance on facial expressions adds depth to the language and ensures clear communication.

Step-by-Step Guide to Signing “Today” in ASL

Now, let’s break down the sign for “today” into simple, easy-to-follow steps.

Step 1: Establish a Neutral Facial Expression

Begin with a neutral facial expression. This sets the stage for the upcoming sign and maintains clarity in communication.

Step 2: Handshape Formation

The handshape for “today” involves forming an open hand with the fingers together, resembling a flat surface. This handshape serves as the foundation for the sign.

Step 3: Location and Movement

Position your dominant hand in front of your body at chest level. Move your hand in a circular motion, emphasizing the immediacy of the present moment. The circular movement captures the essence of the current day.

Step 4: Integrate Facial Expression

As you execute the circular motion, synchronize your facial expression with the urgency or significance of the concept. This adds emotional depth to your communication and ensures that the message is conveyed effectively.

Expressing Time in ASL

Understanding how to sign “today” opens the door to expressing various time-related concepts in American Sign Language. Let’s explore how ASL handles different time frames and how the language adapts to convey the fluidity of time.

Signs for Past and Future

ASL has distinct signs for indicating the past, present, and future. Mastering these signs allows signers to articulate specific time references with precision.

Conveying Duration

Beyond expressing specific days, ASL enables signers to convey the duration of an event or action. This involves using signs that represent time intervals, adding another layer of complexity to the language.

The Emotional Power of ASL

What sets ASL apart is its ability to convey emotions with unparalleled depth. Let’s delve into the emotional aspect of signing “today” and how it contributes to the overall impact of ASL.

Expressing Joy and Excitement

When signing about events happening today, signers can infuse joy and excitement into their expressions. The dynamic nature of ASL allows for a vivid portrayal of emotions, creating a truly immersive communication experience.

Conveying Urgency or Importance

In situations where conveying the urgency or importance of an event is crucial, ASL provides the tools to emphasize these aspects. Facial expressions and body movements work in harmony to underscore the significance of the present moment.

Cultural Significance of Time in ASL

To truly appreciate the sign for “today” in American Sign Language, it’s essential to understand the cultural context surrounding the perception of time within the Deaf community.

Time as a Fluid Concept

In ASL, time is often perceived as a fluid and ever-changing concept. The language allows for a nuanced expression of time, acknowledging its dynamic nature.

Celebrating Daily Moments

The sign for “today” becomes a celebration of daily experiences and the uniqueness of each moment. ASL speakers cherish the present and find beauty in the ordinary, fostering a profound connection with the world around them.

Practical Applications and Everyday Conversations

Now that we’ve explored the intricacies of signing “today” in ASL, let’s discuss how this knowledge can be applied in everyday conversations and practical scenarios.

Conversing about Daily Plans

Knowing how to sign “today” is invaluable when discussing daily plans and activities. ASL users can effortlessly communicate their schedules, ensuring effective and clear communication in various settings.

Navigating Social Interactions

In social interactions, the ability to convey the immediacy of an event enhances the richness of communication. Whether making plans or sharing experiences, ASL users can navigate social interactions with ease and expressiveness.

Fostering Inclusivity

Learning and appreciating ASL, including the sign for “today,” contributes to fostering inclusivity. It enables effective communication w ith the Deaf community, breaking down barriers and promoting understanding. Learn More on Sign Language American


In conclusion, the sign for “today” in American Sign Language is a captivating expression of the present moment. By understanding the handshapes, movements, and facial expressions involved, individuals can engage in meaningful communication within the Deaf community. ASL not only provides a practical means of conveying information but also serves as a powerful tool for expressing emotions and celebrating the richness of daily life. Embrace the beauty of ASL, and let the silent language speak volumes in your interactions with the world.

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